There’s an Acrobat DC
for everyone.

Which Adobe Acrobat DC product is right for you? Compare the editions and learn about the extra benefits you get when you subscribe.

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Acrobat Standard DC

Acrobat Pro DC

Perpetual Subscription Perpetual Subscription
Interact with PDFs
View, interact and comment on PDF content from your computer or mobile device X X X X
NEW Work on touch-enabled devices X X X X
NEW Store and share files online with instant access to recently viewed files X X X X
NEW Send, track and confirm delivery of important documents electronically X X
Create PDF files
Create PDFs from any application that prints X X X X
Create, protect and send PDFs in popular Office apps for Windows X X X X
Combine multiple documents in one PDF file X X X X
Convert web pages to interactive PDFs, complete with links X X X X
Prevent others from copying or editing sensitive information in PDFs X X X X
Turn scanned documents into searchable PDFs with selectable text X X X X
NEW Recognize text in scans, and then preview and fix suspected errors with a side-by-side view X X X X
NEW Automatically fix document photos to remove backgrounds and adjust perspective X X X X
Create and export PDFs on your mobile device X X
NEW Create high-quality PDFs in Microsoft Word for Mac X X
Prepare PDFs consistently with guided Actions X X
Convert or validate PDFs for compliance with ISO standards like PDF/A or PDF/X X X
Create and validate PDFs to meet accessibility standards for people with disabilities X X
Edit PDFs
NEW Edit text and images in a PDF with full-page paragraph reflow X X X X
NEW Turn PDFs into editable Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint files with improved formatting accuracy X X X X
Convert PDFs to JPEG, TIFF or PNG image formats X X X X
Insert, delete and organize pages in a PDF X X X X
Add bookmarks, headers, numbering or watermarks X X X X
NEW Edit text and organize pages in a PDF on your iPad X
NEW Turn scanned paper documents into instantly editable PDFs X X
Automatically optimize PDFs to reduce file size, or customize settings first X X
Add audio, video and interactive objects to your PDFs X X
Redact to permanently remove sensitive information in PDFs X X
Preflight and prepare files for high-end print production X X
Add Bates numbering to legal documents X X
Sign and collect
NEW Fill, sign and send forms fast from your computer or mobile device with smart autofill X X X X
NEW Collect e-signatures from others and track responses in real time X X
Turn paper or Word docs into fillable PDF forms X X X X
Add comments to PDFs with a highlighter, sticky notes and more X X X X
Collect comments from others in one PDF file X X X X
Mark PDFs with stamps, such as "approved" or "draft" X X X X
Work with certificate signatures X X X X
Compare two versions of a document to see what's changed X X
Deploy and manage across the organization
Safeguard systems and data with application security and sandboxing technology X X X X
Customize features and settings with the Customization Wizard and Enterprise Toolkit X X X X
Deploy and update with Microsoft SCCM/SCUP and Apple Remote Desktop X X X X
Use virtualization tools, including Microsoft App-V* and UE-V, or Citrix XenApp X X X X

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Adobe Acrobat DC?

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